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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Marla Taviano

So proud of you for holding down the fort! And hooray for a great check-up! And oatmeal? Is ewwwww. Love you!!

Kimberly in Sunny Florida

I am truly amazed at how far you've come. Enjoy your week of independence and don't touch the keys to the corvette! Hugs!

Bobbie Lutz

You need this week on your own as much as your parents need their week in California! You & Maddie are going to have a fun week...reading and watching movies in the midst of all your other activities. You continue to encourage so many of us, as we see God working with you on your journey. Good news about your visit with the girl's counselor...His timing is perfect in our lives! Hugs coming from Texas!


It's so awesome that you are able to manage on your own a bit and have your own freedom! Answered prayers! We will continue praying for healing in the relationships with your girls...a very wise woman told me once, when I got better, so would my kids and family. It's a process but it does happen like that with lots of prayer! I would say, you have come so far and I am so happy for you that these doors are at least opening! Be Brave and keep knowing we are praying!!!!

Charlotte Moore

Hope you have a wonderful week and your parents also. It is still a mystery to me why your girls haven't been in your life this whole time. Hard to understand how they could be happy not seeing their mother.


Jen P


I have been going through some "things" lately and I want to be honest, I often think of your story and I realize the level of my things could be much harder. I want you to know a couple things: 1) how beautifully you are walking this path despite it all (and I get it, sister, I know there are still messed up hard days, but STILL)and how you are the runway model of embracing the journey God gives us and 2) the lines in Psalm 23 have helped me so much. I have the whole thing memorized now but especially, "even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will not fear, for YOU are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 3) YOU, Joanne, and your words and your getting up every day and doing it anyway, you are making a difference in the life of a middle aged, working Mom in Illinois, going through some "things". How about that for getting a smile out of
you ? ! Big hug, Jen P. in Palatine, IL

child of God

Nice! Praying your week is full and your parents have fun!

Blessings. :)

heidi carrico

Look at you! You have come a long way! I remember when i found out about you being in hospital with stroke... I read your blog... thinking what a shame it all is you are suffering with stroke when you had so much going for you. I wondered if you would write again... deep down inside I figured you would. I think of that everytime I see you posting something. Amazing! Go, Joanne, go!! You inspire so very many people! Thank you for the update on the girls (little is better than none:)). I look forward to the day you mention you are in touch with the girls. That will be such a beautiful thing! But regardless of what is going on that you may despise in life right now... keep on keeping on... you are doing fabulous! An ispiration to many... especailly those suffering from stroke or other things. Bless you for giving hope... proving there is hope. You rock!!

Heidi Carrico
ps... how do you type?

Ruthy :)

WOW! Sweet Joanne you have come a long way what an AWESOME God we have x

Have a Fun week x

BLESSINGS and HUGS to you x

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