Mom and I went to the church ornament exchange yesterday morning at our pastor's house. His wife, Julie, hosts it every year and loves Christmas more than just about anyone I've ever met. She has eight trees up this year--each one with a different theme and the ones I saw on the main level were gorgeous. A few weeks ago, Julie asked me to share a short devotional as part of the morning's brunch and gift exchange. I told her I'd be glad to do it and have spent my early mornings thinking and praying and jotting notes in my journal about what to share.
This is the gist of what I came up with and shared yesterday morning:
Both the fiscal and calendar years begin January 1, so we don't often think about the new year and resolutions until after Christmas Day. But the church year and the liturgical calendar begin with Advent, so it's not really too soon to think about it. As we celebrate Advent and Christmas, we are also celebrating the new year.
So often we think of Luke 2 as the beginning of there Christmas story: "In those days, Caeser August issued a decree that all the world should be Joseph went to Bethlehem"...and so on and so forth.
However, when we begin with Luke 2, we miss the wonderful things that Luke 1 has to offer--the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth and John the Baptist being foretold, not to mention Gabriel's visit to Mary telling her that she would have a baby.
We also find two of the four magnificent hymns that open the Gospel of Luke--Zechariah's Benedictus, an exuberant song of praise that bursts forth after nine months of imposed silence for his unbelief and Mary's own glorious Magnificat in which she praises God for keeping his promises to his people.
In a way, the Advent story really goes all the way back to the very beginning, to Genesis. My pastor recently summarized the whole Bible like this: The story of the Bible begins in the Garden of Eden from which Adam and Eve were removed as the result of their sin in response to lies and temptation and deception; the rest of the Bible is about how to get back there to that place of perfect fellowship with God.
As far back as Genesis 3:15, God promised that the offspring of the woman would one day crush our enemy and make all things right and like they were when we had uninterrupted and perfect fellowship with God in that garden.
My favorite part of Luke 1 and the part I most want to share with you is Luke 1:38:
After Mary asks Gabriel how what he said would be possible—with the wonder and curiosity of the child she still is in many ways, she listens to his answer and responds with what seems to me to be s clear statement of her identity and a determined resolution for her own season of waiting for Jesus to come forth as a baby:
“I am the Lord’s servant. “Let it be to me.”
I think this is a good resolution for us too. For this season of Advent leading up to Christmas and now even for our whole lives, which are also a time of Advent as we wait for Jesus to come again—not as a baby this time, but as a conquering king who is coming to make all things right.
The question before us is this:
Will you--will I--will we be brave like Mary? Will we dare to make her words our own--and actually mean them? I long to be brave and bold, to be stout-hearted and courageous. What about you?Can I be that brave? brave like Mary?Can you?
The thought is scary, because well…What if? What could he do--what might he do--if we say them and mean them?
After all, God asked something really hard of Mary! He asked her to do a job not suited for her age or her experience. After all, how could this girl be a mother when she still needed her own mother so much?
What if he asks something like that of you or of me? What then? How would we deal with it?What if he lets something really hard be to me--an illness or a loss? What might happen to me or the ones I love? Would I survive it? Would you?It seems scary, doesn't it?
I think we have to go back to Gabriel for the answer: Before she makes her incredible statement of trust and submission, Gabriel reminds her of one very important truth we cannot forget: "Nothing is impossible for God."
Nothing. Not even taking me--a scaredy-cat and making me brave and courageous. Not even making me brave enough to take Mary's words for my own, yep--and even mean them--
Nothing is impossible for God
I can be brave because he can make me so.I can Make Mary's words my own because I can trust him.
I am the Lord’s servant—that alone defines me!That is the truest thing about me. I belong to him and my name is engraved on his hands. He keeps me safe.
Let it be to me—nothing is too hard or impossible for him. I am safe because I am his! WE are safe because we are his!
I can make Mary's words my own because I am his and he his mine. Nothing is impossible for him and he can take whatever it is he allows and use it for his glory and my good.
Maybe if we do it together...Take a deep breath! On the count of three. 1..2..3
P.S. See how I said it really quick like that?! Sorta like ripping off a bandaid! ;)
Wow... Such depth and insight and wonder. Let it be to me, too!
My friend, it is an honor to call you friend. I love your stout-hearted self very much.
Posted by: Holly Smith | December 13, 2015 at 04:33 PM
LOVE the devo! Well said and plenty to contemplate!
Kim Feth
Posted by: Kim Feth | December 13, 2015 at 04:43 PM
I think you already are those things. You have stepped up...
Posted by: Donna | December 13, 2015 at 04:56 PM
And so many were blessed by your words, your delivery, AND your heart. God has gifted you in so many ways!! I'm glad that you're my friend!
Posted by: Julie Reese | December 13, 2015 at 05:48 PM
This is a beautiful lesson, one I had not considered...your story brings this to me in a real way. Thank you for sharing this...May God continue to bless you, and this new Avenue of ministry He has continued to not only ask of you, but has given you the strength. Merry Christmas Joanne.
Posted by: Lana Dunkerley | December 13, 2015 at 06:06 PM
Posted by: Rhonda | December 13, 2015 at 06:37 PM
Let it be to me!
That will be my prayer for the New Year. I am excited and yet afraid of what He will do with me, but WOW, what an adventure. Thank you so much for your insight and setting me on a great journey. I've wanted something personal to pray for- this is perfect.
Let it be to me!
Posted by: Patti | December 13, 2015 at 06:51 PM
Let it be to me!
Posted by: Liz R | December 13, 2015 at 08:56 PM
Posted by: Jenni+Saake,+InfertilityMom+and+StrokeOfGrace | December 13, 2015 at 11:43 PM
Thank you so much for your devotional. I have been really challenged. It reminds me of a song we are singing for our carol service next Sunday - hope the link works for you.
Posted by: Adrienne | December 14, 2015 at 04:53 AM
What wonderful encouragement and truth! Thank you. I can see how God is using you in this season of life and with your story. The adventure of faith continues...let it be to me.
Posted by: Angie Platt | December 14, 2015 at 06:42 AM
I cut & pasted your devotional into an email for a dear friend who is going through a very hard time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Posted by: LadyMaryCrawleyTalbt | December 14, 2015 at 07:43 AM
Simply Brilliant, Joanne...simply brilliant! May I share your words with my Ladies Kairos Class next Sunday? I had been praying for exactly the word the LORD would have me share for this special class next Sunday, and PTL found your post on FB! Blessings to you Joanne and to all who would say, "LETITBETOME!"
Pam Houston (So. Cal Siesta)><>
Posted by: Pam Houston | December 14, 2015 at 08:47 AM
Oh Joanne,what beautiful, inspiring words.
Posted by: Kathy Carr | December 14, 2015 at 12:06 PM
Beautifully said!! Yes Lord Jesus, let it be to me!
Praying for you dear one.
Posted by: child of God | December 14, 2015 at 01:35 PM
Joanne, I THANK YOU for sharing this with all of us! It so paralleled our message at church yesterday but somehow coming from YOU -- someone who has been asked to do something way harder than probably any of us ever have or ever will -- it really struck a chord & had a huge impact. All I could think of is, "Man, when Jesus comes back and makes everything right again, Joanne is going to be honored & rewarded BIG TIME! I hope it's ok if I use this devotional and talk about you at the jail when I go in next week to share with the ladies. God bless you & I will continue to pray for you and consider you my "we'll meet in heaven someday" Friend!
Posted by: Karen Hicks | December 14, 2015 at 01:42 PM
Just love this (& needed it)! Thanks for your encouragement! You're life is a blessing! ❤️
Posted by: Lelia | December 15, 2015 at 04:47 AM
Bless you for saying "Yes" to The Lord! What a profound lesson. I am grateful for your willingness to share your testimony.
Posted by: Deidre | December 16, 2015 at 12:03 AM
Thank you! This was extremely inspiring!!!
Posted by: TJ | December 23, 2015 at 09:40 PM
Thanks Joanne. You are a marvelous example of saying, "Let it be to me." May I echo those words....and mean them.
Posted by: Jackie | January 13, 2016 at 06:51 PM
"I am the Lord’s servant—that alone defines me!That is the truest thing about me. I belong to him and my name is engraved on his hands. He keeps me safe.Let it be to me—nothing is too hard or impossible for him. I am safe because I am his! WE are safe because we are his!" I will make this my confession! I said it...LET IT BE TO ME!! Thank you so much for this! I am so happy you are well and still serving! Your life continues to sing of God's glorious works!
Posted by: Meesh | March 03, 2016 at 02:15 PM