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« Such a good day | Main | Happy New Year! »


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Holly Smith

Wow... Such depth and insight and wonder. Let it be to me, too!

My friend, it is an honor to call you friend. I love your stout-hearted self very much.

Kim Feth

LOVE the devo! Well said and plenty to contemplate!

Kim Feth


I think you already are those things. You have stepped up...

Julie Reese

And so many were blessed by your words, your delivery, AND your heart. God has gifted you in so many ways!! I'm glad that you're my friend!

Lana Dunkerley

This is a beautiful lesson, one I had not considered...your story brings this to me in a real way. Thank you for sharing this...May God continue to bless you, and this new Avenue of ministry He has continued to not only ask of you, but has given you the strength. Merry Christmas Joanne.




Let it be to me!
That will be my prayer for the New Year. I am excited and yet afraid of what He will do with me, but WOW, what an adventure. Thank you so much for your insight and setting me on a great journey. I've wanted something personal to pray for- this is perfect.
Let it be to me!

Liz R

Let it be to me!




Thank you so much for your devotional. I have been really challenged. It reminds me of a song we are singing for our carol service next Sunday - hope the link works for you.

Angie Platt

What wonderful encouragement and truth! Thank you. I can see how God is using you in this season of life and with your story. The adventure of faith continues...let it be to me.


I cut & pasted your devotional into an email for a dear friend who is going through a very hard time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Pam Houston

Simply Brilliant, Joanne...simply brilliant! May I share your words with my Ladies Kairos Class next Sunday? I had been praying for exactly the word the LORD would have me share for this special class next Sunday, and PTL found your post on FB! Blessings to you Joanne and to all who would say, "LETITBETOME!"
Pam Houston (So. Cal Siesta)><>

Kathy Carr

Oh Joanne,what beautiful, inspiring words.

child of God

Beautifully said!! Yes Lord Jesus, let it be to me!

Praying for you dear one.

Karen Hicks

Joanne, I THANK YOU for sharing this with all of us! It so paralleled our message at church yesterday but somehow coming from YOU -- someone who has been asked to do something way harder than probably any of us ever have or ever will -- it really struck a chord & had a huge impact. All I could think of is, "Man, when Jesus comes back and makes everything right again, Joanne is going to be honored & rewarded BIG TIME! I hope it's ok if I use this devotional and talk about you at the jail when I go in next week to share with the ladies. God bless you & I will continue to pray for you and consider you my "we'll meet in heaven someday" Friend!


Just love this (& needed it)! Thanks for your encouragement! You're life is a blessing! ❤️


Bless you for saying "Yes" to The Lord! What a profound lesson. I am grateful for your willingness to share your testimony.


Thank you! This was extremely inspiring!!!


Thanks Joanne. You are a marvelous example of saying, "Let it be to me." May I echo those words....and mean them.


"I am the Lord’s servant—that alone defines me!That is the truest thing about me. I belong to him and my name is engraved on his hands. He keeps me safe.Let it be to me—nothing is too hard or impossible for him. I am safe because I am his! WE are safe because we are his!" I will make this my confession! I said it...LET IT BE TO ME!! Thank you so much for this! I am so happy you are well and still serving! Your life continues to sing of God's glorious works!

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