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Chris Koponen

Welcome to the great Northwest, Joanne! You will be driving through my city (Tacoma) on your way to the Olympic Forest! Have a super trip! 😊👍😊👍😊

Kathy Hutchinson

I just dig you! Have a wonderful time.

Beth P

That's terrific news! Have a fun trip & post lots of pics so we can "travel" with you! Can you practice your driving in the RV? 😘

Charlotte Moore

Sounds like lots of fun! Enjoy!

Erin koss

I'm in Eugene, OR. Track City, USA. If you get rough, give a holler and we'll find some sacred trail to walk a minute. Plus, great food!

Erin koss

If you get "through" ;>)

Jane Carver

So glad you get to take a fun road trip! You'll notice Whitworth looks a bit different (missing trees, lots of new buildings.) Enjoy your time and when you head south from Seattle, you might want to stop by my town, Gig Harbor!

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