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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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You will Entrusted - I did it this summer. I followed you before your stroke and have continued. What a journey!

Holly Smith

TWO!! TWO BLOG POSTS!! HOORAY!!! I am so very proud of you, my dear friend. My buttons have burst! You are completely blowing the top off in your recovery...all with such grace and beauty. I love you, Joanne Heim!

Jo Lynne

So glad to see you back, dear Joanne. I was afraid you'd given up blogging forever. I know that Toben's remarriage and "the other thing" with your daughter must have devastated you. Be assured you are in my prayers.


Enjoy your road trip!! I live in Arkansas and we go to Branson fairly often. Try to drive to Big Cedar Lodge (south of Branson just off the highway) to eat lunch or dinner. And don't miss Top of the Rock! They have 3 places to eat and the view is memorable!!

Charlotte Moore

So good to read how well you are doing. Enjoy your future travel.


I was so happy to see your blog post. It is wonderful to hear how well you are doing.

Fiona Van Lent

Hi I've recently started following your blog and would love to join you on facebook but I can't seem to find you! Can you give details please of "friend me'?


Happy (and safe) travel to you!

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