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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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I was so happy to see your email. If anyone can accomplish these goals I believe it is you. I have followed your blog since your stroke and you are just amazing!

Even though I have never met you I am so proud of you and your will. You are truly an inspiration.

Blessings to you

Chris Ashley

This post made my heart happy. I am a huge cheerleader of yours whether you know it or not. Your goals seem realistic and I can’t wait to hear about them come to fruition. I’ve been married for 31 years and took my ‘girls Trip’ a couple of years ago. Best thing I ever did!!! If you ever come near Dallas, I have TWO roomd!!!

Charlotte Moore

It is so good to hear from you. I had wondered what you had been up too the last few months. I am sure you will be able to meet every goal.

GOD BLESS you as you do each and everything to make your life what you want it to be.

Jennifer StrokieGal Saake

Wow! Huge, exciting goals!

Angelia Edwards

So excited for you.


thinking of you and your girls, I am just wondering if you talk with them at all. They should be so proud of what you have accomplished and done since your paralyzing stroke. You are an inspiration! I am so proud that you will teach again! Go get 'em girl! :)

Lisa walker

It makes me so happy to see you share these goals! You've come so far, Joanne. You are truly an inspiration and you will be wonderful teaching your Bible study. What a blessing it will be for the very women who prayed for you when you had your stroke to see and hear you lead again! Love and prayers as you continue on the path God has for you! Lisa Walker

Carol (your parents’ wildflower friend)

I’m so glad to see your new post and the exciting goals you have. I’m confident you will accomplish them all. The Bible study will help restore your confidence in yourself and your abilities as an adult, and (wow) a separate apartment will both challenge and confirm the life skills you’ve been working on. I’m impressed!


I imagine you might not want people to tell you you're an inspiration, but you truly are. I'm excited to see your goals realized and know your 'students' will be blessed by your teaching.

Sharon Wang

EEEK! I am sooooo excited to read about your plans and goals. Can't wait to follow your journey toward each one. Thank you for sharing your life with us! What a blessing you are.

Kathy Cheek, Devotions from the Heart

I am so glad I stopped by your blog to see if you'd posted anything recently, what exciting news to be teaching a Bible study again!

I have my own exciting news, finally my 90 day devotional book First Breath of Morning is getting published and will be out October 1st!

Maybe you and the ladies in your church would be interested at some point.

I am another one of the someones who found you during the stroke and have followed your progress through the years. It is so good to see the progress you have made and continue to make!

Wendi Owen

Joanne, I don’t remember how I found your blog but it was ages ago. You had a post about paper balls you made for your daughter’s room. You replied to my email about the number of pieces of tissue paper you used. Lol! I had been following you ever since. I read and reread every one of Tobin’s posts during your stoke. Years have gone by and I periodically think about you and check your Facebook page or blog. It’s great to see you doing so well.
Here’s where things get crazy. I have lived in Texas my whole life. Our paths never crossed. I visited Colorado a few times and wondered if I was close to where you lived. Then this past Christmas we moved to Colorado! I probably live 15 minutes from you in Lakewood. Crazier still, on Mother’s Day I went to the ER with a blood clot in my brain. As it progressed I began having stroke like symptoms. Thankfully for me I was at St. Anthony’s and the clot was on the vein side not the artery. After emergency brain surgery to remove the clot, 4 days later I was home with no lasting effects. Praises.
Anyhow, I saw your name on a Facebook page of a restaurant. I think you liked it. I decided to look up your blog again and here we are. Maybe we will actually cross paths someday soon. - Wendi

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